2015 Annual Meeting

Sunday, March 22 - Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Marriott Rivercenter
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, TX 78205


On-line Registration is now closed.  Please register on-site in San Antonio.  Registration opens Sunday, March 22 at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Rooms 1-4 of the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel.  If you need to make changes to your registration you may also do so on-site.  If you need to make changes to your hotel reservation please contact the hotel directly. 

The Annual Meeting is the world's premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. The general session features high profile speakers who will address current issues of importance to the industry. Leading industry experts will share valuable insights on major issues, including energy and environmental initiatives and the latest technical developments impacting the refining and petrochemical industry communities.

Conference Highlights:

General Session:

General Michael Hayden
Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of the National Security Agency

David Wasserman
House Editor, The Cook Political Report


Industry Leadership Breakfast:

Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina
Chairman and CEO, Hewlett-Packard Company (1999-2005) and Author of the Bestseller, Tough Choices

Annual Luncheon Speaker: 

Dennis Miller
Dennis Miller
Host of "The Dennis Miller Show", contributor to "The O'Reilly Factor," Author, Comedian


The 2015 Annual Meeting will have over 70 paper presentations which address legislative and regulatory issues; strategic issues; supply and demand projections; proven practices in operations, safety, reliability, and capital projects; and petroleum refining technologies such as FCC, hydroprocessing, and gasoline processes. Almost half of the presentations will be just as relevant to petrochemicals operations as they are to petroleum refining.

AFPM hosts several social functions that allow attendees to network, contact old acquaintances and make new contacts. Approximately 25 industry supplier companies host hospitality functions that offer attendees an opportunity to develop or maintain relationships with key suppliers of technology.

Save $100 off conference registration by regisering by February 20th, and save an additional $200 by reserving a room in the AFPM block at either the Marriott Rivercenter or the Marriott Riverwalk as you register.  On-line registration closes March 13.

Registration fees increase by $100 on February 21st.


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