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ENV-13-48 Crude Repositioning – The Positive Multimedia Experience of US Oil and Refining

Mary Hess ERM Ty Gaub US Oil and Refining

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Associate Member, International Member, Petrochemical Member, Refining Member - $0.00
Government, NonMember - $35.00


Crude repositioning has a questionable reputation with agencies in the western United States. For some refineries, crude repositioning has cost billions in investment dollars. U.S. Oil & Refining Co. (USOR) kicked both those trends with their recent crude repositioning project. USOR implemented the project at their refining facility located in the industrial and commercial development area within the Port of Tacoma in Washington State. This facility is under the scrutiny of the public, environmental non-government organizations (NGO), agencies, and neighbors. They operate on a uniquely shaped property in a very busy area. Access to the facility includes water, rail, and highway. The refinery has operated in this location since 1957 and has evolved with the industry into a complex, safe, clean, and efficient facility with approximately 180 employees. The crude repositioning project has been implemented over the last 2 years, adding great flexibility and competitiveness to the refinery. Achieving sustainability in the market and within an ever-changing regulatory framework is critical for oil refining to remain viable in the western United States. During the project’s planning stages, the project team followed the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process and took into account changing rules and public perception while preparing permit applications and in responding to comments. Attendees will learn that crude repositioning is a multimedia effort that requires a solid vision, great project planning, good agency and public communication, and solid execution to achieve success.

Product Details:

Product ID: ENV-13-48
Publication Year: 2013