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RMC-11-32 The Keys to Success in Maintaining Pressure Equipment Integrity and Reliability

John Reynolds Senior Principal Pro-Inspect, Inc. Steamboat Springs, CO

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The NPRA RMC11 workshop that accompanies this paper featured a panel of 4 pressure equipment integrity specialists from owner-user operating companies outlining the 10 primary management systems and work processes needed to achieve success in maintaining pressure equipment integrity and reliability (PEIR). The knowledge of how to prevent equipment failures is only as good as the management systems and work processes that need to be established, effectively implemented and maintained in order to apply that knowledge every day. Talented people with PEIR knowledge is one thing – organizing for PEIR success over the long haul is quite another. Operating sites that have implemented these ten PEIR management systems and work processes have successfully minimized MI failures that lead to process safety incidents. Without these PEIR management systems and work processes in place, poor planning, oversights and ignorance may cause some sites to continue to have too many MI failures.

Product Details:

Product ID: RMC-11-32
Publication Year: 2011