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Sealeze, A Jason Company
8000 Whitepine Road
North Chesterfield, VA 23237

Phone: (804) 275-1675 x248
Fax: (804) 743-3413
Product Category(ies): Reliability, Availability, Fired Heaters, Furnaces & Boilers: Fabrication, Parts, Services, Gaskets, Packing & Seals, Heat Exchangers: Fabrication, Parts, Services
Description: Sealeze Power has provided their innovative, efficiency improvement sealing technology for the rotary air preheaters used in the fossil power plants. These seals have been successfully installed across the globe including South Korea, Jamaica, Mexico and USA. While few other installations are scheduled this year in India, Europe and Australia.
Onsite Contact:
Mr. Pavan Ravulaparthy
Director of New Ventures
(804) 316-5992

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