Bite by Bite: Optimize Component Recovery and Energy at Marathon Petroleum Company Using Small-Scale Aspen Technology GDOT™ Applications

Thursday, January 30, 2025 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)

At Marathon Petroleum Company, Galveston Bay Refinery, our vision is to become world-class in the real-time optimization of distillation towers, considering tradeoffs among routing of valuable components and the cost of energy in separation. Critical features of the GDOT™ technology for use in these applications include component-based template models, the ability to handle nonlinearity, and the use of true economic optimization. Especially important for the application to naphtha and light-ends systems is the use of data-reconciliation to estimate unmeasured or infrequently qualities, such as the tower input stream compositions. GDOT™ optimization identifies the ideal operating points of key composition variables or stream properties and sends targets to the existing DMC3™ controllers.

Ray Coker, APC Technical Services Supervisor, Marathon Petroleum Company, Galveston Bay Refinery

Mrs. Qiuying Gu, APC Engineer, Marathon Petroleum Company, Galveston Bay Refinery

Atique Malik, President, AIControl, LLC

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These fees are available through 01/30/2025
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Non-Member Registration $150.00   Non-Members/Government

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