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A. J. Dahlberg, M. M. Habib, and R. 0. Moore, Chevron Research and Technology Company,, D. V. Law, Chevron international Oil Company, Inc, L. J. Convery, ABB Lummus Crest, Inc.,

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Chevron Research Company introduced the first low pressure, low temperature catalytic hydrocracking process--ISOCRACKING--in 1959 [ 1,2]. Since then, ISOCRACKING has been demonstrated commercially in several configurations [3,4]. Furthermore, for over 35 years, Chevron has developed a variety of catalysts to optimize hydrocracker performance for a broad range of feedstocks, process conditions, and product specifications [5,6]. Thus, with configuration and catalyst flexibility, ISOCRACKING has proven to be a very versatile process. Within the last four years, Chevron has developed and commercialized three new zeolitic ISOCRACKING catalysts. ICR 209 is Chevron’s latest noble metal ISOCFIACKING catalyst. It offers improved liquid yield stability, longer life, and superior polynuclear aromatics control compared to its predecessor. ICR 209’s high hydrogenation activity generates the highest yields of superior quality jet fuel of any zeolitic ISOCRACKING catalyst. The second new ISOCRACKING catalyst, ICR 208, is a base metal catalyst which combines high liquid selectivity and high light naphtha octane in hydrocrackers operating for maximum naphtha production. ICR 210 is another new base metal catalyst which offers higher liquid yields and longer life than ICR 208 by virtue of a higher hydrogenation-to-acidity ratio. Both ICR 208 and ICR 210 have been formulated to provide higher liquid yield throughout the cycle and longer cycle length than conventional base metal/zeolite catalysts. This paper will discuss the pilot plant and commercial performances of these new ISOCRACKING catalysts.

Product Details:

Product ID: AM-95-66
Publication Year: 1995