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CAT-06-202 FCCU Reliability - Key Run Limiters

David Brosten, Shell Global Solutions, Houston, TX

Electronic (digital download/no shipping)

Associate Member, International Member, Petrochemical Member, Refining Member, Special/Temporary Member - $0.00
Government, NonMember - $25.00


This workshop will review the primary causes of FCC shutdowns using Shell Oil company examples. It will include routine limitations that impact run length duration between outages on the FCC and Shell’s experiences at correction of these key issues which impact FCC reliability. These key issues include cyclone performance, feed nozzle issues, slide valve reliability, slurry system fouling, expander turbine fouling, coke lay down in residue operations, air grid/steam grid reliability, and other areas that have limited FCC run length. In today’s world, FCC reliability is a primary profit driver.

Product Details:

Product ID: CAT-06-202
Publication Year: 2002