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ENV-00-183 Perspectives: New Mexico Environmental Politics and the Oil and Gas Industry

Hilary Noskin, Giant Industries, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico; Dave Pavlich, Giant Refining Co., Gallup, New Mexico

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This paper is a snapshot of different perspectives on environmental politics and the Oil and Gas Industry in New Mexico. It provides insight to certain fundamental obstacles with respect to reaching environmental compliance. Often, technology is not the hurdle, but the different mindsets, perspectives, and the desired methods of implementation widen the gap between industry and enforcement entities. Industry and enforcement entities are also charged with including grass roots environmental groups and the community in the regulatory process. These groups may not have a high level of trust for either the industry or the regulators. This paper presents a discussion on the following: • A background of the environmental political arena in New Mexico • A survey of industry representatives, regulators and grass roots environmentalists on their views of environmental politics and the oil and gas industry • A case study of Giant Industries working with the regulators to strengthen the relationship and trust between the parties which resulted in a positive compliance impact.

Product Details:

Product ID: ENV-00-183
Publication Year: 2000