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SC-14-4 Internet Profiling

Michele Stuart Owner JAG Investigations Gilbert, AZ

Electronic (digital download/no shipping)

Associate Member, International Member, Petrochemical Member, Refining Member - $0.00


This class will outline cellular platform security issues in addition to online personal security risks. Additionally it will provide step-by-step in-depth researching techniques utilizing online and open-source databases located on the web. It will cover techniques in locating ‘hidden’ information on a subject’s web presence from public records, criminal records and social-networking profiles as well as show open sources available for geo locating tweets and instagram photos right after they have been posted. The class will further demonstrate how to utilize the internet as an effective investigative research tool (by manipulating search criteria) in locating and creating an entire profile on an individual, gang intelligence, security/counter intelligence or corporate intelligence.

Product Details:

Product ID: SC-14-4
Publication Year: 2014