Compliance Seminar on the FTC's New Market Manipulation Regulations

Monday, September 21, 2009
Capital Hilton
1001 16th Street NW [map]
Washington, DC 20036-5701

Schedule of Sessions and Special Events

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Monday September 21, 2009

07:30 am - 08:15 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
08:15 am - 08:30 am Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Charlie Drevna
Washington, D.C.
08:30 am - 09:45 am Presentation
Phillip Broyles
Assistant Director, Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C.
09:45 am - 10:00 am Coffee Break
10:00 am - 11:30 am Presentation
Katherine Funk and Vince Murchison
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP
Washington, D.C. and Dallas, Texas
11:30 am - 12:45 pm Industry Counsels Discussion Panel
Moderator - Gregory Scott, NPRA

John Glennon, Assistant Chief Attorney
ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company
Fairfax, Virginia

Alan Hallock, General Counsel
Flint Hills Resources, L.P.
Wichita, Kansas

Michael Jordan, General Attorney
Marathon Petroleum Company LLC
Findlay, Ohio
12:45 pm - 01:00 pm Final Remarks and Closing
Gregory Scott, NPRA