2017 Advancing Process Safety Summit

Advancing Process Safety Summit

January 12-13, 2017
Eilan Hotel & Spa
18603 La Cantera Terrace
San Antonio, TX 78256


Advancing Process Safety (APS) Subgroup participants and the Process Safety Workgroup are invited to participate in the annual Process Safety Summit and Recognition Dinner.  All APS Subgroups will have a business meeting in the morning and will present 2016 accomplishments and 2017-2019 workplans in the afternoon.  Subgroups include Regional Network Chairs, Hazard Identification, Metrics & Analysis, Event Sharing, Focused Improvement and Site Assessment.

That evening, the Process Safety Advisory Group members will host a recognition event for the Process Safety Workgroup and Subgroup members.

Click on the Schedule of Events tab above to see specific times and locations of the meetings.