Monday May 05, 2025
12:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
Early Conference Registration
- Attendees will pick up their badge and meeting materials.
03:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
LRHR Committee Meeting (Committee Members only)
05:00 pm
- 06:30 pm
Welcome Reception for all Conference Attendees
- All attendees are invited to the LRHR evening reception to connect and mingle. Light food and beverages will be provided.
Tuesday May 06, 2025
07:00 am
- 08:00 am
Conference Breakfast
07:00 am
- 05:00 pm
Conference Registration
08:00 am
- 08:30 am
Opening Session and Welcoming Remarks
Sharron Booker
Global Employee & Labor Relations Director
LyondellBasell Industries
Tommy Martucci
Specialist, Human Resources
08:30 am
- 10:00 am
Union Discussions in the Workplace Part 1 - Expert Panel
- In this illuminating panel discussion, our panel of seasoned labor relations professionals discuss real-life experiences with unions in the workplace. The session showcases personal experiences in maintaining positive workforce engagement and how individuals addressed union discussions when they arose.
Mr Philip Brzozowski
Vice President, Employee & Labor Relations
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Mr. Blake Berend
U.S. Labor Manager for Product Solutions & Upstream
ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company
Mr. Micah Heilbrun
Manager, Labor & Employee Relations
Phillips 66
Mr. Ronald D. Scullin
Manager, Global Labor Relations
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
10:00 am
- 11:00 am
Union Discussions in the Workplace Part 2 – Legal Session
- Legal perspective follow-up to union-forming preparation expert panel discussion. Rick offers perspective with current laws and legal avenues companies can take when union discussions occur in the workplace.
11:00 am
- 11:15 am
Coffee Break
11:15 am
- 12:15 pm
State of the Industry
- An update and insight on current industry triumphs and challenges
Mr. Chet Thompson
President and CEO
12:15 pm
- 01:15 pm
Conference Lunch
01:15 pm
- 02:15 pm
The Future of Energy: Collaboration and Innovation
- This session will explore the pivotal role of energy and products in advancing human progress. It will emphasize how affordable and reliable energy has consistently driven improvements in quality of life. Looking ahead, the acceleration of policies and technologies will play a crucial role in shaping a successful transition to sustainable energy solutions. By fostering collaboration across all sectors, we can address growing energy demands while working towards shared climate goals.
Dr. Vijay Swarup
Senior Director, Climate Strategy & Technology
ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company
02:15 pm
- 03:15 pm
Detecting Manufactured "Evidence" in Internal Investigations
- With the rise of easily accessible AI tools, companies may soon see an uptick in AI-generated or manipulated photos, emails or documents that must be detected during internal investigations. This session discusses real examples of such AI manipulation and how they were identified by Koch’s internal investigations team.
Ms. Stephanie LaRocco
Associate General Counsel
Koch Capabilities, LLC
Jeff Mosch
Litigation Technology Manager
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
03:15 pm
- 03:30 pm
Coffee Break
03:30 pm
- 04:30 pm
Listen for Leaders
- Of the skills we need as leaders, how essential is our capability and commitment to listen? Sounds simple … but do we ever take our ability to hear for granted? And how can we - at any point in our careers – strengthen how we listen to ourselves and to others? Join certified executive coach D. Mark Schumann as we look at how we listen to absorb the voices we hear.
Mr. Mark Schumann
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
04:30 pm
- 05:30 pm
Oil Bargaining History and Contract Bargaining Prep
- “What is pattern bargaining?” and a history of how we got here. Discussing early oil bargaining and significant historical events. Also, Billy will discuss challenges with pattern bargaining along with a brief introduction on preparing for contract negotiations.
William A. Goodhart
The PeopleResults Group, LLC
Wednesday May 07, 2025
07:00 am
- 08:00 am
Conference Breakfast
07:00 am
- 11:00 am
Conference Registration
08:00 am
- 08:45 am
NLRB Updates and Insights
- Breakfast/Session
Marvin’s session will review the most significant recent developments and discuss other potential future changes.
Marvin Kaplan
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
08:45 am
- 09:30 am
The Hidden Bias of Good People: Implications for Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce
- It is in the best interest of organizations and companies to employ and retain high performing individuals for as long as possible. Human performance, however, is influenced by many factors, including but not limited to feeling supported, valued, and respected; being recognized and rewarded for good work; functioning under transparent and fair processes; and receiving accurate and actionable constructive feedback. Dr. Marks will provide specific guidance on what to say and do throughout the employee life cycle--hiring, talent development, promotion, and exit--to identify, manage and potentially reduce the impact of bias on the aforementioned factors.
Rev. Dr. Bryant Marks Sr.
Founder & Chief Equity Officer
National Training Institute on Race & Equity
09:30 am
- 10:15 am
Liar Liar: Spotting Deception in Investigations and Beyond
- This entertaining and informative session will provide HR professionals the tools they need to recognize, describe, and manage employee deception, a skill that is useful in all aspects of their work and particularly internal investigations. Using an interactive approach that is heavy on storytelling and the use of real-life videos, HR professionals will learn why they should "trust their gut," how to handle he-said/she-said situations, and most importantly, how to interpret body language and verbal cues to determine when someone is being less than truthful.
10:15 am
- 10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:30 am
- 11:15 am
Boeing 2024 IAM Negotiations
- Mike will discuss recent negotiations with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and the strike that occurred. Preparation, public relations, negotiation hardships, and lessons learned will be presented.
Mike Fitzsimmons
Vice President, Labor Relations
11:15 am
- 12:00 pm
Metrics that Matter: The KPIs in Employee Relations You Should Be Tracking
- We’ve all heard the saying: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” This is especially true in Employee Relations where data plays a critical role. This session will detail the 10 KPIs to track and how ER teams can leverage data to proactively address challenges, build trust, and mitigate risks. Key takeaways for attendees include: Identifying essential metrics in employee relations, using analytics to uncover trends and optimize planning, collaborating with internal stakeholders to ensure the tracked data aligns with broader organizational goals.
12:00 pm
- 12:45 pm
USW Perspective on Issues Facing the Oil Industry and Labor in the Near and Long-Term Future
- Dave will dive into the United Steelworkers (USW) organization and structure. He will also discuss the relationship with the oil industry, the national oil bargaining program, and support for the pattern.
David McCall
International President
United Steelworkers
12:45 pm
- 01:00 pm
Passing the Torch
- Sharron Booker, Chair, steps down as committee chair; Matt Yarborough steps in. New Vice Chair is named.
Sharron Booker
Global Employee & Labor Relations Director
LyondellBasell Industries
Mr. Matt Yarborough
Lead Labor Relations Advisor
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.